«Vestnik Evropy» (1802-1830)
Complete electronic edition: full image/full text

East View Information Services, a leading producer of high-quality information resources from Russia, has launched a new project—the complete electronic edition of Vestnik Evropy (1802–1830).

Vestnik Evropy, a journal of European literature, politics, philosophy and culture, was founded in 1802 by Nikolai Karamzin and was among the most important publications of its time.
Vestnik Evropy was one of the first Russian journals to broadly illuminate its reading public on issues of Russian foreign and domestic policy, history, and political life abroad, along with articles on literature and the arts. In 1814, Vestnike Evropy was the first to publish the poetry of Aleksandr Pushkin. At various times the journal also ran pieces by V.A. Zhukovsky, G.R. Derzhavin, I.I. Dmitriev, A.F. Merzlyakov, K.N.Batyushkov, P.A.Vyazemskij, N.I. Gnedich, and A.F. Voejkov, among others.
Karamzin was editor of Vestnik Evropy until 1804 and was also a frequent contributor. Later editors would include P.P. Sumarokov, V.A. Zhukovsky, V.V. Izmajlov, and M.T. Kachenovsky.
The electronic edition of Vestnik Evropy allows browsing of the original pages in full image format, while also offering full-text search capability in standard modern Russian, which will undoubtedly aid researchers and make this vital resource more fully useable.